OneView is designed to be a flexible platform that can be used to track a wide variety of events. Depending on your use case, you may want to send events from the frontend, backend, or both. Events must always at least include:

This guide will show you what types of events you should send to OneView, how to send them, and how to ensure that they are correctly matched to the same user.

Event Types

The event type is defined by its name. There is no limit to the name and number of events you can send to OneView. However, we recommend sending at least the following types of events:

RequiredDescriptionFrontend SourceBackend Source
Page ViewsA page_view is the event you send when someone looks at a page on your website.Yes
Conversion EventEvents you send when your users do what you want them to do, like buying something or signing up.Yes
Identify EventEvents that you send when users are recognized, for example during login or sign up.

Event Sources

You can safely mix and match event sources. For example, you can send page views from your website, and conversion events from your backend.

In technical terms, events are API requests sent to OneView as a JSON object containing information about the event, and can be sent from different sources:

  • From your Frontend: You can use Google Tag Manager® or Google® gtag.js.
  • From your Backend: You can use Server-side Tag Manager® or APIs.

User Identifiers

Identifiers are unique values that help OneView match events to the same user. They are used to build the Identity Graph that connects a user’s actions across devices and platforms.


Adaptive Targeting

Custom Domain