
Sending events from your website can be performed in two ways: using a Google Tag Manager® Web Container, or by using Google® gtag.js directly.

Google® gtag.js
  • Easiest setup
  • Requires some Javascript knowledge
Google Tag Manager®
  • Guided setup with UI

Authenticating Requests

During alpha, domain verification is not available. Join and say hello in our Slack community to get a workspace for your domain!

Events sent to OneView from a Frontend Source are authenticated using . This allows your workspace to receive events for your domain.

Idempotent Requests

During alpha, idempotency on the frontend is not available. You can use a Backend Source if you need out of the box deduplication for your Conversion Events.

Sending Events


Set up a configuration variable

Create a configuration variable for your Google Tag

Or follow the steps below to create your own:


Assign the configuration variable to a Google Analytics Tag

Point your Google Tag to OneView

Follow the steps below:

OneView is fully compatible with Google Consent Mode. No configuration required.