Import the Template

Importing the Template and creating the Tag

Follow the steps below:


Verify the implementation

If your Tag Manager® Server Container receives events from your frontend, but your are serving it from different IP address (e.g. from a subdomain), you are not compliant with Apple Safari® Intelligent Tracking Prevention requirements. How to fix.

Check each method’s documentation to see how to handle consent


Backend Events are used to send events from your server. You can use whichever method is most convenient for you.

Authenticating Requests

First you need to generate an API Key from Settings > API Key, then how you use it depends on the method you choose to send events:

API Key usage
Server-side Tag Manager®Use the appropriate field in the Tag
Measurement ProtocolUse the api_secret query string parameter

Idempotent Requests

The API supports idempotency for safely retrying requests without accidentally performing the same operation twice. If the request fails, you can retry it with the same key to ensure that the operation is not performed twice.

Idempotency Key usage
Server-side Tag Manager®Use the appropriate field in the Tag
Measurement ProtocolUse the Idempotency-Key header