TL;DR - Filtered Attributions allows you to train your Media Partners bidding algorithms, based on their for each conversion they influenced, instead of full merit.

Filtered Attributions is a feature that automatically filters out conversions that are not attributable to a specific Media Partner, allowing you to send only the relevant data to each Media Partner.

All major Media Partners provide you strategies that automatically optimize the targeting of your campaigns in real-time on their respective platforms.

However, each Media Partner can only optimize for its own platform, making it inconvenient to optimize budgets across competing Media Partners.

This is very important when you trust automated bidding algorithms for your campaigns, because otherwise the algorithms would be trained on conversions that are actually attributable to someone else.

With Filtered AttributionsWithout
AccuracyEach Media Partner only receives data on conversions attributable to them
  • Duplicated conversions across Media Partners
  • Mixed attribution models across Media Partners
TimelinessEach Media Partner receives data in real-time
  • Delayed optimizations