This page is meant as a guide for OneView customers to understand what consent is required to use OneView to achieve both world-class data quality and regulatory compliance.


OneView uses the Google® Consent Mode framework to understand your users’ consent, which uses a series of properties to understand the user’s consent status.

It is automatically set by your Consent Management Platform (CMP) or your own implementation.

This guide will follow both ePrivacy and GDPR concerns, and help you understand what consent is required for each.

Cookies - ePrivacy

As long as your CMP is correctly configured to work with Google® Consent Mode (most of them are), OneView will automatically respect the user’s consent.

OneView can work completely without a cookie banner, but with special considerations:

  • In some countries, without any additional consideration.
  • In other countries, depending on their implementation of the ePrivacy directive.

ePrivacy being a Directive, and not a Regulation (like GDPR), it is up to each country to implement it in their own laws. This means that the interpretation inevitably varies slightly from country to country.

In fact, although:

They are all not legally binding, as the final ruling in this context is up to the local Data Protection Authority.

Two properties mainly address ePrivacy concerns:

PropertyRequiredDescriptionUsed by
analytics_storageConsent for storing analytics cookiesFrontend Sources
ad_storageConsent for storing advertising cookiesOneView uses Virtual Cookies

Personal Data - GDPR

Two properties mainly address GDPR concerns:

PropertyRequiredDescriptionUsed by
ad_user_dataOptionalConsent for for sending user data to improve campaign performanceEnhanced Matching
ad_personalizationOptionalConsent for remarketing activities-

Before setting ad_user_data to granted to use Enhanced Targeting, you need to ensure that you have the right to share your users’ data with Media Partners for the purpose of improving advertising effectiveness.

Based on the data received from OneView, Media Partners will be able to re-identify your Data Subjects across to improve campaign performance on their platform.