OneView takes an opinionated approach to data quality, ensuring that your data is always accurate and reliable. This is achieved by enforcing strict data quality standards and providing tools to help you maintain them.

This guide will help you understand the common data quality pitfalls and how OneView helps you avoid them.


Implementation Errors

  • Casing inconsistencies
  • Incomplete events

Click ID Redaction Technologies

  • Safari Link Tracking Protection
  • Brave Debouncing
  • Firefox Enhanced Tracking Protection
  • Google Tag ads_data_redaction:true
Using your website domain to track events ensures maximum data quality. Learn more

Apple Safari® Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) is a very effective technology that improves the privacy of Apple users by making it impossible to track them on a website for longer than 7 days, unless specific conditions are met.

OneView is designed to be fully compatible with Apple Safari® Intelligent Tracking Prevention, as you can freely set your own client_id and session_id and send events via API, or you can follow the best practices outlined in this guide to set up your data collection.

ITP will limit to 7 days unless:

  • Your Client ID cookie is set by a server (not by JavaScript), via the Set-Cookie header
  • The IP address of the server setting the cookie is the same as the website server

Malformed Stream

Cookieless Advertising

TL;DR - Virtual Cookies provide unmatched:

  • Simplicity: All data is in your OneView workspace, not on users’ browsers.
    • Use server-side conversions without .
    • Eliminate reporting across Media Partners’ dashboards.
    • Eliminate the need to set up for each co-branded campaign.
  • Performance: Having no scripts to load, means ludicrously faster loading times.
  • Security : Nothing installed, nothing that can leak data.

Disclaimer: This page does not cover legal topics. It is a technical explanation of how OneView achieves Virtual Cookies and its benefits.


Behind your OneView workspace, there is a high performance, strongly consistent, data store, called Event Stream, which is updated in real-time with all incoming events. There is also a managed graph database called Identity Graph, which incrementally links all the identities of your users.

For example, a page_view from a search engine, with its click_id. This would normally trigger a cookie to be written. Instead, we store this event in your Event Stream and store its identifier along with it.

Every time a Conversion Event is received, any identifier you send (e.g. user_id) is used to build the whole customer journey of your user from your Event Stream, via your Identity Graph.

This way, you have you have a complete and consistent view of everything that ever happened on your website, without relying on cookies. Enabling you to:

  • Use server-side conversions without headaches. With OneView, you can send server-side conversions without any extra work. And you can support multi-device journeys without any extra work, which would be unfeasible with thank-you pages. Instead of 10 pixels, tracking 10 identical page views, with 10 algoritms. You get 0 pixels, tracking 1 page view, sending conversions to 10 platforms.

  • Eliminate reporting inconsistencies across Media Partners’ dashboards. These exist because each Media Partner receives partial data, and uses its own attribution model, which can lead to different results. With OneView the attribution model is consistent across all Media Partners.

  • Eliminate the need to set up custom trackers for each co-branded campaign. With OneView, you can send the same data to all your business partners’ Media Partners, without having to set up custom trackers for each one, even if they do not use OneView.


Removing scripts from your website boosts Lighthouse score by cutting loading times and streamlining the codebase. Scripts, especially JavaScript files, add extra requests, slowing down page rendering.

From a tecnical perspective, when scripts are removed, Total Blocking Time (TBT) is cut down dramatically as this minimizes the amount of time the browser spends executing JavaScript, and thus frees up the main thread.

This leads to faster interaction times for users and a smoother browsing experience overall. By improving TBT, websites can enhance their Core Web Vitals scores, which are increasingly important for SEO as search engines prioritize user-centric metrics for ranking purposes.


Every company that uses third-party scripts on their website is exposed to:

Both involve the execution of scripts on a website, with the aim of accessing your customer data (email, passwords, credit card information, etc.).

XSS attacks occur when malicious scripts are injected into a website, either directly (by one of your employees), or because one of the third-party companies responsible for such script is compromised.

Data exfiltration is the unauthorized transfer of data from your browser to a third party. This can happen without you knowing, because as long as the script is running on your website, it can potentially access any data on the page, encode it, and send it along legitimate data.

By removing the need for third-party scripts altogether, OneView eliminates these risks for you.